Posts Tagged ‘socialist’


October 17, 2009

Right-wing extremists are the first to wave flags and pretend how much they believe in the Constitution and yet, they constantly whine and complain we can’t trust the government.  Apparently, they were asleep at the wheel during civics class, when the rest of us learned we the people are the government.

How many times must we endure Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh blather on and on about how we can’t trust our own selves, the government?  We can’t trust ourselves with tax dollars, we can’t trust ourselves with health care and we most certainly can’t trust us the government, to decide a convicted felon shouldn’t be armed to the teeth with every bazooka-type weapon imaginable.

Apparently, the so-called conservative “right” can’t even get our own Constitution right.  The idea of democracy isn’t to openly condemn ourselves by claiming we can’t trust the government.  Rather, the idea is to elect leaders to represent us and, to replace them when they instead, become right-wing corporate stooges and vote against our best interests.

Besides pretending to care about the unborn while totally screwing the already born, what the right-wing agenda really amounts to is, “we don’t believe in spending tax dollars to actually help taxpayers”. Rather, their goal is to use tax dollars for enhancing the bottom-line of the military industrial complex and otherwise, enriching corporations at the expense of us the taxpayers.

Any and every use of taxpayer dollars that will actually benefit taxpaying citizens is branded as “socialism” over and over again, the new all-purpose “red scare” bait-and-switch term of the 21st Century. The now entirely discredited Joe McCarthy appears “fair and balanced” alongside these Savage Nation and Coulter forty-five toting, hate-mongering meglomaniacs.

Education is supposedly high on the right-wing “safe issue” list, but conservative legislators consistently vote against increased spending for education.  Whatever they can’t eliminate because of political popularity, such as Medicare and Social Security, they try to “reform” into oblivion, creating huge funding black holes designed to funnel trillions of taxpayer dollars into big pharma and other deep corporate pockets.

Otherwise, the right-wing agenda is to convince average Joe Americans that all regulation of any kind is evil.  When in fact, wise regulation is what keeps tainted meat from ending up in all-American hamburgers, Joe American construction workers safe on their jobs and American Air Lines planes from falling out of American skies.

Wise regulation is the reason banks were relatively sound under Eisenhower.  While deregulation is obviously why they began their substantially crooked turn for the worse under Reagan, controlled by bloated greedy bastards of mass deception by the time Bush Junior was finished cutting a final slice out of the deregulation corporate mega-pie.

Is branding human beings “illegal” and blaming them for job losses and contagious diseases any different than what gave rise to Adolf Hitler and Auschwitz?  What is the real agenda of slave masters? What is the agenda of pure evil?

What is the real right-wing agenda?  You decide.

Link to footnotes and documentation for the above article


October 17, 2009

CNN television host Lou Dobbs, who literally lives on land stolen from Mexicans by “illegal” Anglo settlers and their U.S. government, deliberately hammers home the term “illegal” over and over and over again.  Such self-aggrandizing demagoguery dehumanizes hard-working God-fearing men and women, whose only “crime” is trying to feed their hungry families.

Now, several right-wing hate mongers have used the 2009 so-called “Swine Flu” outbreak to pour more fuel on the already blood-drenched, hate-filled immigration issue fires.  Massachusetts talk radio’s Jay Severin, apparently an illegal alien from a galaxy far, far away, was suspended after he called Mexican immigrants “criminalians”, adding emergency rooms have become “essentially condos for Mexicans”.

Daily media diatribes of overt racism and human hatred have resulted in significant violence against poor immigrants in the past several years.  According to Southern Poverty Law Center statistics, hate crimes have increased dramatically, including the beating death of Mexican immigrant Luis Ramirez by Pennsylvania teenagers, who were later acquitted of murder by an all-Anglo jury.

A viral disease can “break out” in any apparent “country of origin”, as a result of external transmission of the virus.  European-borne diseases that destroyed entire native cultures would appear today in the same “real-time” ill-informed media reality, as if America was the land of origin.

Since Mexico City and surrounding areas are well-known tourist destinations, it is quite possible (perhaps even probable) that the “outbreak” of the “swine flu” in Mexico was a result of transmission by someone from a relatively immune population.  Thus, the real country of origin could be China, France, India, Israel, Australia or even the United States.

People living in Mexico may be less immune to this particular virus than a population located elsewhere, while that population may not be protected as well against another type of virus.  Even close-proximity populations can have immunities that neighboring populations lack, which could explain why “swine flu” in the U.S. was not immediately as severe as in Mexico.

A contagious disease could just as easily appear to “break out” in the United States, transmitted by a tourist from Scotland, Germany, Saudi Arabia or some other population and, be more harmful to people here than even those living in Mexico and Canada.  Anybody who doesn’t understand that disease is by-and-in-large, a global crapshoot, doesn’t belong on the public airwaves spreading gross deceptions of superstition, fear and racist-fueled hatred.

Some historians suspect diseases that were extremely detrimental to American native populations were transmitted by, you guessed it, herds of pigs that explorers took along with them as a food supply. What killed off native populations could literally have been a form of “swine flu” that European immigrants were immune to, because unlike native populations, they had built up immunities for centuries living in close proximity to their pigs.

Who’s going to immunize us against inhuman alien swine-balls dolled up in right-wing lip gloss?  Can we blame Swine Flu on immigrants? What is the real legacy of human hate-mongers?  You decide?

Link to footnotes and documentation for the above article


October 17, 2009

According to the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution,
“. . .the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.  The word “Arms” was deliberately capitalized, a common practice at the time used for emphasis.  Since Thomas Jefferson later owned a private cannon, the largest weapon in his day, the term “Arms” to the original framers clearly meant more than small arms one can easily “bear”; note, to “keep” and bear Arms.

The word “gun” is found nowhere in the Constitution, a very carefully worded document.  It should also be noted that in the Consitution’s pre-amble, one of the main purposes listed is to “insure domestic Tranquility” (also capitalized).  To honestly and correctly interpret the intentions of the framers, everything that follows the Preamble, including all ten original amendments soon added, must be viewed in light of the Constitution’s stated purpose.

For many years, the NRA has been guilty of drawing a non-existent, artificial line down the center of the 2nd Amendment, limiting the debate to guns, knives, grenades and similar small arms.  To contend that the 2nd Amendment permits unlimited unregulated private ownership of modern assault weapons, is no more Constitutionally rational than to pretend that the 2nd Amendment allows unlimited private ownership of chemical weapons, nuclear bombs and space-ray weapons, which are also modern “Arms” unknown to the framers.

In order to engage in an honest Constitutional debate, the NRA must admit that, according to their interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, we have just as much right to own private nuclear bombs and Anthrax as we do to own a multi-round handgun, none of which existed when the 2nd Amendment was drafted.  If we wish to have a society at all, then the 21st Century question is not “if” we are going to restrict the NRA’s interpretation of the 2nd Amendment but rather, in what manner are we going to restrict it.

For the record, if any living Americans have the right to argue in favor of restricting the 2nd Amendment, it is Jim and Sarah Brady.  And, as the “founding fathers” wisely allowed for, we can always amend what they originally wrote down.  A perhaps better and much saner idea would be to amend the NRA, entirely and altogether, by forcing our reluctant media to point out their deceptive and entirely irrational position.

The NRA has no more rational or Constitutional right to limit the 2nd Amendment to an issue of small Arms ownership than the ACLU has a right to restrict the 1st Amendment to their Constitutionally, historically and scientifically irrational interpretation of the known evidence. Perhaps Thomas Jefferson’s re-write of the New Testament, while he was a sitting president, would today include the following wry observation:  If conservatives and liberals crawl into a similar dark bed of deception, they will likely both end up in the same bottomless black hole, accordingly.

Does the NRA really defend the 2nd Amendment?  You decide.

Link to footnotes and documentation for the above article.


October 17, 2009

Claims by politicians that raising taxes on the wealthy will cause job losses and hurt small business are completely untrue.  During the Eisenhower and Kennedy years, when upper-income tax brackets reached as high as 91%, the majority of working and middle-class American families enjoyed a quality lifestyle on a single wage-earner income.  Almost nobody lacked health care and homelessness was virtually unheard of.

Anyone who has owned a small business knows that the entire “Joe the Plummer” charade is just one great big lie.  Few plumbers or owners of small privately-held companies in America earn a net taxable income over $250,000 per year.  Most of them are much smarter than that, re-investing excess profits to grow their business and otherwise, to avoid paying taxes. 

The higher people are taxed on excess income, whether or not they own a business, the more incentive they have to invest that income back into what will grow the economy and increase jobs.  Raising taxes on net taxable income above $250,000, as President Obama proposed, would serve to increase jobs and stimulate the economy, the exact opposite of what bought-and-paid-for politicians and right-wing media hacks pretend is true. 

If Medicare was expanded into a single-payer universal system, health care could be paid for by taxing everyone the same percentage rate above the poverty level. This would greatly stimulate the economy by removing a huge financial burden off employers.  It would eliminate employee wage taxes for Medicare and Medicaid and the significant cost of employer-provided health coverage.

Because income up to the poverty level would be exempt, it would cost the poor almost nothing to have quality health care.  And, it would cost the working and middle-classes considerably less than they pay now, when lower costs for goods and services are factored in, along with the elimination of the mega-bite of at least 25 cents that insurance and other unnecessary industry components take from every health care dollar. 

There is no rational argument when weighing the current U.S. patchwork health care fiasco against the universal health systems of France, Germany, Japan and Sweden.  Average income citizens in these nations receive much better care and, the cost to insure everyone is 10% or less of their GNP.  The cost to Americans is a staggering 15% of GNP and, this much greater cost still leaves almost half with inadequate care and one out of six Americans with no health care at all.

When taxes are lowered on the wealthy, as they have consistently been from Ronald Reagan forward, everybody eventually loses, including the wealthy.  The poor, working and middle classes reach a point where they can no longer afford to purchase goods and services.  This is clearly seen today, in blocks of houses sitting empty, banks and mortgage companies failing, auto dealerships and major stores closing down and many areas with double-digit unemployment.
Is “Joe the Plumber” just a scam?  Is the entire Demo/Publican 2-party system just a scam?  Who is really scamming who?  You decide.

Link to footnotes and documentation for this article: 


October 17, 2009

Anyone with a thimble-full of political sense can readily determine there is no way to fix America unless the influence of big money is eliminated from the political process.  Any other plan is mainly a big waste of everyone’s time, if we don’t as all-partisan citizens, regardless of religious, political or other persuasion, rise up and demand the complete elimination of bribery from sea to once shining sea.

Nothing illustrates this need better than the current crop of malfeasant Democrats, who since regaining control of Congress in 2007, haven’t done a single thing we the people obviously want.  Other than passing a minimum wage law that was over ten years too late and as many dollars too low, lack of health care, education costs, poverty, infrastructure decay, joblessness and homelessness have all dramatically increased.

Rather than helping average Americans, Congress has engaged in endless bend-over political charades, increased rather than reduced troop levels and war funding and signed away even more of our quickly disappearing rights.  And since 2008, they have sold our children’s future down a no-strings-attached, golden-platter river of unprecedented corporate bailout malfeasance.

Because the Supreme Court will always otherwise, declare any and all manner of corruption-eliminating reform “unconstitutional”,  the only way to get rid of big money influence is by constitutional amendment.  Attempts at other methods of reform have left a long historical trail of tears of utter frustration and defeat.

We need an amendment making it punishable by life in prison without parole, for any organization or group of people of any kind, for any reason, to contribute one penny or anything of higher value, to one small-town city council office seeker on up to president of the United States.  And we need to limit individual contributions to 1% of the median income per candidate per year, including candidates themselves; approximately $480 in 2008 dollars.

In order to be licensed for broadcasting on what are theoretically “the people’s” airwaves, we need to require all radio and television stations to grant free equal airtime to “qualified” candidates; qualification determined by obtaining enough signatures of registered voters, amount determined by office and number of people represented.  And, we need to eliminate the electoral college, elect everyone by popular vote, hold all party primaries on the same date and require a verifiable paper trail.

There is much tweaking necessary for the amendment proposed here, but this sketch outline is sufficient to grasp the basic idea.  No law will eliminate all corruption, but what is suggested here would eliminate well over 90% of the current problem and, would allow the majority of we the people to actually have a voice.

Will the bottom-feeding miscreant corporate-puppet juvenile delinquent treasonous reprobates of Congress ever be eliminated and put in federal prison where they belong?  You decide.

Link to footnotes and documentation for this article: